Authorization for entry buses in Buzios internet .

The Municipal Secretary of Tourism of Buzios communicates to Operators, Travel Agency , Tour Guides and related professionals , the registration system to request permission to enter the tourist transport - buses , micro and vans in the town of Armacao dos Buzios is available at: Búzios Digital

This request must be made six days in advance. The agency also reports that will be provided an authorization provided for the generation of slip values ​​as established in Law 999 . The final withdrawal shall be withdrawn at the Secretariat of Tourism that works in porch at the entrance of the city . For more information , phone number is ( 22 ) 2633-6200 . As of today, April 21 , Friday, Alternative Route , the Clover Park Avenue and Barbuda , will be banned from 7 to 22 hours , due to maintenance works of the asphalt floor . The track is reopened after 22 hours. Therefore , we recommend using the Avenida José Bento Ribeiro Dantas .

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