Authorization for entry buses in Buzios internet .
The Municipal Secretary of Tourism of Buzios communicates to Operators, Travel Agency , Tour Guides and related professionals , the registration system to request permission to enter the tourist transport - buses , micro and vans in the town of Armacao dos Buzios is available at: Búzios Digital
This request must be made six days in advance. The agency also reports that will be provided an authorization provided for the generation of slip values as established in Law 999 . The final withdrawal shall be withdrawn at the Secretariat of Tourism that works in porch at the entrance of the city . For more information , phone number is ( 22 ) 2633-6200 . As of today, April 21 , Friday, Alternative Route , the Clover Park Avenue and Barbuda , will be banned from 7 to 22 hours , due to maintenance works of the asphalt floor . The track is reopened after 22 hours. Therefore , we recommend using the Avenida José Bento Ribeiro Dantas .